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Welcome to Nevei Kodesh Religious School 


2023-2024 Registration

Your journey of connection, discovery, and joyous Judaism

A warm, welcoming religious school connected through body, mind, heart, and soul. Using music, art, drama, movement, storytelling, creative discovery and critical thinking, our Sunday religious school and weekly Hebrew class provide an enriching experience for all children.

A creative, loving, engaging, inclusive and innovative learning environment.

Low student-to-teacher ratio allows for personalized attention.

We draw from the deep wellsprings of our Jewish heritage and spiritual lineage and value diversity, gender inclusivity, social justice and tikkun olam. 

We breathe new life into our traditions, reinvigorating our connection to Judaism, making it meaningful, expansive and relevant for today.

Parent learnings, participatory Shabbats, community connections and holiday celebrations engage the whole family.

We integrate the wisdom of these educational models: 

Four Worlds Judaism (Assiyah/earth/physical, Yetzirah/water/emotional, Briyah/air/intellectual, Atzilut/fire/spiritual)

Head/Heart/Hands (thinking, feeling, willing) 

Multiple Intelligences (interpersonal, intrapersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, visual-spatial/artistic, linguistic, logical, naturalistic)

Our holistic and experiential approach honors the individuality of each child and our sense of belonging to the greater community.

Thu, April 25 2024 17 Nisan 5784